There’s plenty of evidence suggesting that we can all improve in the area of risk management. Just take the recent cybersecurity attacks Petya and WannaCry as examples. If you’ve seen the news, you know that companies are experiencing an increase in data breaches. The unfortunate truth is that most of these attacks could’ve been avoided if vulnerabilities had been identified through risk assessments and risk management.

Find out from this BALLAST webinar—Automating the Risk Assessment Process—the best ways to assess your organization’s risk, and get a sneak peek at BALLAST, the tool to help you manage it.

Mark Fulford

Mark Fulford

Mark Fulford, CISSP, CISA, ABCP, CRISC, is a Shareholder in the risk services division of LBMC, PC. With nearly 25 years of experience in information security audit and compliance, Mark understands how to translate technical jargon into actionable intelligence. With significant experience in healthcare, his expertise includes assisting companies with Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA & PCI, HITRUST compliance, as well as providing assurance to clients and their stakeholders through SOC 1 and 2 reporting engagements. More recently, his focus has been on helping organizations identify and manage information security risks through both guided and automated risk assessment techniques.